Specialist in tracheostoma management
We provide you with professional support at home. All aids that you require are reliably coordinated by us.
Has your discharge from hospital been scheduled?
For you as a patient, discharge to your home after a hospital stay is a longed-for and important step back to normal everyday life. At this point, a few things have to be organised and decided. Thus, you will in future, for instance, need aids for the care of your tracheostoma on a regular basis.
Important tasks must be taken care of.
We will gladly take care of the necessary organisational tasks for you free of charge. We have been closely cooperating with your hospital for many years in the area of patient transition, and we have contracts with all health insurances nationwide. Your supply with aids will be quickly applied for and reliably processed by us in accordance with your choice, so that no obstacles will hinder your discharge from hospital.

Now we are at your side!
Our long-standing experienced staff come from your region and are available to answer all your questions about tracheostoma care directly on the day of discharge from the hospital and on a regular basis thereafter. We provide you and your relatives with a sense of security in the daily use of the medical aids from our product range. Allow us to support you in the long term as part of your rehabilitation. If required and in your interests, we will also cooperate with important specialists in other areas of care, such as enteral nutrition. Take the opportunity of getting to know your personal contact person during your stay in hospital and give you an idea of our competence as a specialist in tracheostoma care after laryngectomy, tracheostomy and ventilation.

General discharge/care management
New laryngectomy patients are inundated with information, especially around the time of their surgery. There is a lot that needs to be considered before informed decisions can be made. The post-operative rehabilitation process equips the new laryngectomee to adjust to their new situation and gain independence. To help achieve this goal the patient needs to decide, with the help of their clinician, which tracheostoma care devices they will need and which supplier they will work with. The FAHL company and their partners strive to become a provider of tracheostoma care products that you can trust from the outset.
“A trustworthy partner helping you to manage those everyday situations”
The medical device supplier tends to be chosen during your stay in hospital so that you have everything that you require on discharge. In general, the new laryngectomy has a choice in terms of provider and their clinician can help guide them through the decision on which supplier to choose. Once in the community, your products will be sourced for example from a Dispensing Appliance Contractor who will be able to process orders and deliver the products that you need. You will discuss the choice of which products are appropriate with a member of the Speech & language/Clinical Nurse Specialist teams in the hospital pre-discharge. It is important to choose an independent Dispensing Appliance Contractor who can ensure that you get the choice of products that you require.

Our initial care package for you!
The most important aids for the initial care of laryngectomised and tracheotomised patients have been compiled in a set.
Various set versions are available. The contents of the initial care set in individual cases depends on the available medical prescription and the cost approval of the respective cost bearer.
Ideally, instruction regarding the initial care set takes place before the patient is discharged from hospital. This gives the patient the opportunity to familiarise himself with the aids he will need later at home while still in the hospital. Instructions on the use of the aids is provided by competent, specially trained medical device consultants. The nursing staff in the hospital will also provide helpful instructions on how to use the individual products. This helps patients to learn how to use the aids correctly during their stay at the hospital. This builds security and facilitates self-sufficiency at home later on.
We would like to point out that tracheostomy tubes are usually not included in the initial care set. As each tracheostoma is different in individual patients, the tracheostomy tubes are first adjusted by the physician and selected accordingly. The attending physician will usually inform the patient during the hospital stay which tracheostomy tubes are needed and prescribe these. We then supply the tracheostomy tubes together with the initial care set.

Example for scope of delivery | |
Tracheostomy dressings | Shower guard |
Cannula carrying straps | LARYVOX® Nebulizer |
OPTIBRUSH® cannula cleaning set | OPTIFAHL® Stoma cleaning wipes |
OPTIFLUID® Stoma oil wipes | Tracheal inhaler |
TRACHEOTEX® BIB, 5-layer | Tracheal suction device |
TRACHEOTEX® BIB, 8-layer | Bacterial filter |
TRACHEOTEX® EASY | Tracheostoma catheter |
TRACHEOTEX® protective turtlenecks | Initial information set |
Our areas of expertise

The diagnosis "laryngeal cancer" is usually very sudden and unexpected. Your anxieties and worries are now all the greater, as are those of your relatives.

The term "tracheotomy" refers only to the surgical opening of the trachea, while "tracheostomy" refers to the opening of the trachea with its subsequent fixation to the skin of the neck.