Take your time and read the various articles about the FAHl world. It's worth it!
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Inhalation for tracheotomised and laryngectomised throat breathers is particularly important to compensate for the loss of nasal functions. Above all, filtering, moisturising and warming the breath can be restored using aids.
Mahatma Gandhi once said, "Love is the strongest power in the world". And Nathalie Sänger is the best proof. Following a tumour haemorrhage, her life was hanging by a thread and her family had already been asked to say their goodbyes. But giving up was not an option for Nathalie, she was determined to get married - at least that!
Food production has always been a fascinating topic for Wolfgang Schneider. The graduate agricultural engineer specialised in dairy science and spent his professional life in this sector. What has remained to this very day is cheese production, which he now pursues at home. The laryngectomised senior also looks after a small wooded area, his "outdoor fitness centre", as he refers to it with a twinkle in his eye.
Every year, 4 February is the fixed date for World Cancer Day - an international day of action organised by the UICC (Union for International Cancer Control) and other organisations. Its aim is to raise the general awareness of scientific research, prevention and the treatment of cancer in society.
Overcoming a swallowing disorder, also referred to as dysphagia, requires a considerable amount of perseverance and patience. The patient case illustrates the steps that need to be taken and how, among other things, speech therapy has helped a patient.
Manufacturer of medical devices, patient care and homecare service provider, as well as international distributor - the company Andreas Fahl Medizintechnik-Vertrieb GmbH is active in many areas.
Leoni Lutz is 17 years old and the youngest volunteer speaker at FAHL. She regularly speaks at the annual seminars on the provision of medical aids for children organised by Michael Brüggemann, our branch manager in Berlin. He also advises Leoni as a field sales representative.