Regional Office Berlin
The shortest distance between Cologne and our capital Berlin is 477.67 km as the crow flies. Quite a distance to cover. It therefore came as no surprise that the desire to establish a branch of the FAHL company in Berlin arose early on, so as to be able to provide patient care beyond the immediate vicinity of Cologne. Today, 20 years later (exactly to be precise as Berlin also celebrates an anniversary this year), one looks back on an incredible development. We would like to take this opportunity to thank Michael Brüggemann, Manager of the Berlin office, who has been with us from the time the very first tracheostomy tube was delivered and who helped to establish the Berlin office.
The first steps towards patient care were planned in 2002, this time not in the garage, but in the basement. To reconcile the massive growth with the customary service concept, this quickly gave rise to the idea of larger business premises. Following a short stopover in 2004 in a coach depot, the current business premises at Borsigturm in Berlin-Reinickendorf were occupied. Today, patients as well as hospitals are currently being supplied with medical aids by 32 colleagues in the office and the field, all in line with our well-known service.
In addition to the departments already mentioned which organise tracheostoma care in Berlin, the five-strong speech therapy department holds a rather special status there. Here, the focus is on the therapeutic treatment of physiological impairments within the context of a tracheostomy. Cooperation in the interdisciplinary team serves to successfully raise the standard of care for patients.
If one goes through the history of a company or a regional office, you will generally come across some curiosities. For example, a few years ago in Berlin, one of the cars in our company fleet was broken into, stolen and then sunk in one of the nearby lakes - a small nugget of criminal history at FAHL. An anecdote no doubt, but we clearly prefer our varied personal patient stories.